Stages of Recruitment
Word Count: 739 Author: Kimi Ural Created: 2015
Stage 1: Good Practice
- It is extremely important to employ the right staff in the right area to maintain as well as improve the company’s success.
- The company can check their staffing plan first to see if there is already someone employed who could do this job.
Bad Practice
- Not having a plan or knowing who could suit the role.
- Being unorganised and not having replacement staff.
Stage 2: Good Practice
- Include job title, location, hours, pay scale, economy, physical conditions, social conditions, prospects for promoting and training, duties and responsibilities.
Bad Practice
- Not including enough detail such as the key responsibilities or the job title.
- Having grammatical misspellings in the job description.
Stage 3: Good Practice
- Being clear about the kind of person they need.
- Including physical make up, attainments, intelligence, special aptitudes, disposition, circumstances and interests.
Bad Practice
- Not being clear about the role; entry requirements.
- Giving wrong information about the type of person they need.
Stage 4: Good Practice
- Providing contact details how to easily get in touch with the company/employer.
- Include job title, location, hours, pay scale, economy, duties and responsibilities.
- Advertising at several places which are suited for the right audience such as recruitment agencies, job centres, press, radio, universities and online on their own website as well as special recruitment sites.
Bad Practice
- Only advertising in one place.
- Discriminating and not providing contact details.
Stage 5: Good Practice
- Sending people from the company to several events in different major cities to advertise their job offer.
- Visiting qualifying universities to go on a ‘milk round’ to persuade new graduates to come to their company.
Bad Practice
- Attending venues in small cities or villages with only a few residents.
- Advertising in poor areas which are too far away from the job place.
Stage 6: Good Practice
- Going to a recruitment agency with a clear idea of the needed person including needed qualification and experience.
- Providing detailed information about the job and the environment they would find themselves in.
- Hire people on a short contract until knowing them better to ensure that they are suitable for the job before extending their contract.
Bad Practice
- Giving wrong information about the job.
- Not knowing which kind of person would suit the job.
- Hiring randomly selected people
Stage 7: Good Practice
- Short list based on qualification, suitability, job and person specification.
Bad Practice
- Short list based on personal preference such as gender and race.
Stage 8: Good Practice
- Read all applicants carefully.
- Be prepared for possible asked questions as well as preparing questions to ask the candidate and making sure to ask every candidate the same questions.
- Planning the room set out for the interview.
- Have a good body language and welcome the candidate with a smile.
- Start with easy questions on to more difficult once and get the applicant to talk.
- End the interview on a positive note and ask if the candidate has got any questions, then telling them what will happen next.
Bad Practice
- Being unfair and ignoring certain interviewees.
- Asking a different amount of questions to each interviewee.
- Not listening to the applicants.
- Answering the asked questions for the interviewee.
- Asking ‘leading questions’ questions which lead to a certain answer rather than what the candidate would have answered.
Stage 9: Good Practice
- Having a questionnaire with several different types of questions related to the candidates health and personality.
- Having practical challenges to test the candidates’ capability.
Bad Practice
- Including irrelevant questions.
- Making the tasks impossible for the candidate.
- Giving every candidate a different difficulty level of tasks and being unfair.
Stage 10: Good Practice
- Accepting people of all races and genders.
- Giving everyone the opportunity to take part in their events such as considering special needs of certain members of staff (if they for example are Muslim).
Bad Practice
- Discriminating their staff based on their religion, background, sexuality, gender or equivalent things.
Stage 11: Good Practice
- Choosing people who are able to do the job.
- Choosing the most suitable once.
Bad Practice
- Not contacting successful candidates.
Stage 12: Good Practice
- Ensuring that the chosen candidates have fulfilled all the procedures from their side such as: researching opportunities, handing in a CV, speculative enquiries, response to advertisement, completing an applicant form, preparing for the interview, responding to the received job offer and providing references.
Bad Practice
- Not looking in to it in enough detail or not looking at it at all.
- Not considering this information before hiring an applicant.